For Visitors bringing their own craft to this beautiful part of the world our friendly staff is here to help make your time afloat a straightforward and enjoyable experience.

We provide moorings on Gillan Creek, good launching facilities and large dinghy and trailer parks at St. Anthony, and have competent staff on hand to sort out repairs needed during your stay, including road trailer service and overhauls.

Deepwater and drying visitors’ moorings are available for craft up to 44 ft. Prior booking is essential. We run a ferry service for access to the moorings during high season.

Car parking is available close to the beach and pontoon. Gillan Creek provides easy access to the whole of Falmouth Bay as well as the Helford River.

Please note there is a speed restriction of 6 knots throughout Gillan Creek and the upper parts of the Helford River. There are Oyster beds up river from Port Navas as well as in a relatively new area west of the Voose buoy. Care must be taken not to anchor or ground in these areas. There are also eel-grass beds off Cow beach, near Durgan, which are important areas for marine conservation.

Water skiing is possible in a large area of the entrance of the river, as well as in Falmouth Bay.

We regret that jet skis and dive boats are not accepted. There is a very good dive school at Porthkerris with direct access to the Manacles.

The Boathouse on the beach stocks a small range of chandlery items and fishing tackle. Hot and cold drinks are available as well as ice creams and snacks. We also stock local guides supplied by Friendly Guides UK.